Guns in Cars at the Citadel



Given the fact that 30% of Citadel cadets go into the military, you may be surprised to hear that the Charleston based military school used to be the only campus around that didn’t allow guns to be kept in the cars of permit carrying students. That’s all about to change as new gun regulations take place for these cadets.

The change is raising red flags, even amongst cadets. It’s no secret that young freshman at the Citadel go through a harrowing plebe year. Even though freshman are not allowed to have cars on campus, this law does potentially introduce guns into a tense environment.

This concern was brought to Gov. Nikki Haley by cadet Austin Lee. According to The Post and Courier, “Officials at The Citadel say when Lee initially brought this up, they also thought about the potential for lethal hazing … and any number of other potentially ugly scenarios.”

Like most schools which already allow this scenario, the Citadel will expel any student who removes their gun from the car. But this change still has the potential to cause major problems. The Post and Courier states “There has been an uptick in car break-ins in the neighborhoods around campus, and when word gets out that a lot of those cars parked outside of Johnson-Hagood might have guns in them, well, a lot of cadets are probably going to be shelling out money to fix jimmied locks.”