Body cameras are coming to Charleston County sheriff’s office


The Charleston County Sheriff’s office will soon be outfitting all deputies with body cameras. A council committee approved this decision on Thursday, noting that 270 cameras will be purchased, along with the equipment needed to download and store footage. $250,000 has been appropriated for these expenses. According to The Post and Courier, “The funds will

Drug dogs and your 4th Amendment rights


The U.S. Supreme Court made an important ruling today stating that extending traffic stops to let drug dogs sniff cars violates American’s Fourth Amendment Rights. The court ruled in a 6-3 vote that  “a police stop exceeding the time needed to handle the matter for which the stop was made violates the Constitution’s shield against

Police body cameras are gaining support in Berkeley County


In the wake of the national attention the Walter Scott shooting has brought to Charleston, body cameras continue to be a hot topic in the media. Now that the Berkeley County Sheriff’s race is underway, the debate is in the forefront more than ever. The Republican primary for Berkeley County Sheriff will draw voters on

Police body cams are coming to a town near you


The shooting death of an unarmed African American man, Walter Scott, by a North Charleston Police Officer, Michael Slager, has been front page news here in Charleston since it happened last weekend. Walter Scott was killed after the officer fired 8 shots. The fact that the incident was caught on camera by a civilian bystander

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month


April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Charleston is getting involved by hosting some powerful events for our residents.According to the Post and Courier, “People Against Rape will hold its Take Back the Night march and vigil from 7-9 tonight in Charleston.The one-mile march will start at the Unitarian Church on Archdale Street and continue

Berkeley County Sheriff Wayne DeWitt has resigned


Over a month after his controversial DUI arrest, Berkeley County Sheriff Wayne DeWitt has resigned. Dewitt feels he has cast a shadow over the Sheriff’s post, a position he has held for 20 years. His arrest on December 28 sparked a public outrage and cause many citizens to call for his resignation. Dewitt fled a

How bail punishes the poor for their poverty


At the Mastantuno Law Firm, we frequently represent our clients at bond hearings and are often faced with trying to get high bonds reduced. Unfortunately in today’s legal system, defendants charged with minimal crimes often sit in jail much longer than necessary. The truth is sometimes they are not able to pay the bond required

Nikki Haley tackles domestic violence


South Carolina has long had a domestic violence problem. Our Governor, Nikki Haley, is now attempting to tackle that problem by chairing a new domestic violence task force. Instead of focusing on penalties convicted abusers receive, Haley plans to address South Carolina’s culture of violence against women. Haley isn’t the only one who thinks fixing

Berkeley County Sheriff H. Wayne DeWitt arrested for DUI, leaving scene of accident


On December 28, 2014, Berkeley County Sheriff Wayne DeWitt was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence and Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Injuries. Dewitt, who has served as Berkeley County’s sheriff since 1995, is set to appear in court in February. DeWitt’s arrest highlights a troubling trend among South Carolina Law

Miss SC sets the record straight on statement, apology


By Bill Sharpe – bio | emailBy Live 5 News Web Staff – email COLUMBIA, SC (WCSC/WIS) – Miss South Carolina Brooke Mosteller told Live 5 News’ Bill Sharpe on Thursday that she apologizes for what she said at the Miss America Pageant last week. In her first television interview, Mosteller said she’s sorry for the comments she made